Philadelphia American Line


This is the ship on which Morris Gold (formerly known as Merric Gonsky) came to America!




Built by J. & G. Thomson Limited, Glasgow, Scotland, 1889. 10,499 gross tons; 560 (bp) feet long; 63 feet wide. Steam triple expansion engines, twin screw.  Service speed 20 knots.  1,740 passengers (540 first class, 200 second class, 1,000 third class).Three funnels and three masts rigged for sail.

Built for Inman & International Steamship Company, in 1889 and named City of Paris. Liverpool-New York service. World’s fastest ship 1889-92. Sold to American Line, in 1893 and renamed Paris. Southampton-New York service. Renamed USS Yale in 1898. Returned to American Line, in 1898 and reverted to Paris. Renamed Philadelphia in 1899. Renamed Harrisburg in 1917. Carried troops and supplies to Europe and then returned troops service. Known as USS Harrisburg. Returned to American Line, in 1919 and reverted to Philadelphia. Laid up 1920-22. Sold to New York-Naples Steamship Company, American flag, in 1922. New York-Naples service. Mutiny on first voyage and ship laid up at Naples. Scrapped as Genoa in 1923.